
International Manga Festival 2014 & Publishing a doujinshi in Japan

As I mentioned last week, I helped out my friend Philip Tan in getting a book printed in time for International Manga Festival. I figured it might be interesting for doujinshi fans or aspiring creators to hear how it happened, so here’s a little writeup. With thousands of publications being printed […]

Philip Tan doujinshi “Garan Guard” for Kaigai Manga Festa 2014

I just got done editing my friend Philip Tan’s first-ever doujinshi, Garan Guard, to be released at International Manga Festival (aka Kaigai Manga Festa) in Tokyo this weekend. 9 all-new story pages scripted and drawn by Philip, plus 21 old and new sketches and commissions, color cover, square bound, to […]

Weekend Doujinshi Review, 2014/11/9

Another weekend, another self-published manga review. Make sure to check the doujinshi tag for previous installments! This time around, I am introducing one book from Comitia 109, plus one that I got at Comic Zin. I thought you might enjoy some relaxing reads to recover from last week’s Halloween special… 1. That is not […]

Weekend Doujinshi Review, 2014/10/26 1

Another weekend, another self-published manga review. Make sure to check the doujinshi tag for previous installments! The doujinshi in this week’s post are not from Comitia, but actually from a store! I stopped by Comic Zin in Akihabara with a friend visiting from Canada this week, and of course I couldn’t […]

Comitia 109 haul review 3 1

Continuing the series of reviews of books I got at Comitia 109, today I have another 2 doujinshi to introduce to you. Like the previous ones, all of these are completely original properties, not “fan fiction” type books. 1 Nikochuu Witch Kemuri by Totsuka Kodama (circle: Aramugi) This is an […]